Private Home-based Music Therapy in Singapore for Stroke, Dementia and Parkinson’s
Based on the neuroscience model of music production and perception, Neurologic music therapy is a method commonly used for movement disorders commonly found in Stroke, Acquired Brain Injury and Parkinson's Disease.
It is highly effective and easily replicated for home exercises after 8 - 10 sessions of therapy.
Neurologic Music Therapy is currently applied and used in Singapore at rehabilitation units in Singapore General Hospital, KKH, St Luke’s Hospital and St Andrew’s Community Hospital.
Common techniques used by neurologic music therapist include Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) for expressive aphasia and Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation for gait.
Video example is an actual patient of Evelyn’s after 3 sessions of Music Therapy for Parkinsons Disease. He was discharged with home exercises for maintenance after 8 sessions.
Melodic Intonation Therapy
Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT) is a therapeutic process used by music therapists and speech therapists to help patients with communication disorders caused by damage to the left hemisphere of the brain.
Good Candidates of MIT Training
Expressive Aphasia
Good comprehension of cues
Stereotype jargon utterances
Word retrieval difficulties
Melodic Intonation Therapy uses a systematic method to include functional phrases in singing. This method utilizes patient’s unimpaired ability to sing to facilitate speech production. Sung and chanted melodies that resembles natural speech intonation are included in the intervention.
“Singing can give entry into a broken system by engaging the right hemisphere”